by Mindy
Posted on 11-08-2020 01:54 AM
Drowning is the major cause of death in self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (scuba) diving. This study proposes an embedded system with a live and light-weight algorithm which detects the breathing of divers through the analysis of the intermediate pressure (ip) signal of the scuba regulator.
A system composed mainly of two pressure sensors and a low-power microcontroller was designed and programmed to record the pressure sensors signals and provide alarms in absence of breathing. An algorithm was developed to analyze the signals and identify inhalation events of the diver. A waterproof case was built to accommodate the system and was tested up to a depth of 25 m in a pressure chamber. To validate the system in the real environment, a series of dives with two different types of workload requiring different ranges of breathing frequencies were planned. Eight professional scuba divers volunteered to dive with the system to collect their ip data in order to participate to validation trials. The subjects underwent two dives, each of 52 min on average and a maximum depth of 7 m. The algorithm was optimized for the collected dataset and proved a sensitivity of inhalation detection of 97. 5% and a total number of 275 false positives (fp) over a total recording time of 13. 9 h. The detection algorithm presents a maximum delay of 5. 2 s and requires only 800 bytes of random-access memory (ram). The results were compared against the analysis of video records of the dives by two blinded observers and proved a sensitivity of 97. 6% on the data set. The design includes a buzzer to provide audible alarms to accompanying dive buddies which will be triggered in case of degraded health conditions such as near drowning (absence of breathing), hyperventilation (breathing frequency too high) and skip-breathing (breathing frequency too low) measured by the improper breathing frequency. The system also measures the ip at rest before the dive and indicates with flashing light-emitting diodes and audible alarm the regulator malfunctions due to high or low ip that may cause fatal accidents during the dive by preventing natural breathing. It is also planned to relay the alarm signal to underwater and surface rescue authorities by means of acoustic communication.
Anyone who has ever worked in the inshore undersea warfare area knows that diver detection long has been an issue. Over the years there have been lots of people seeking a solution to detecting, classifying and directing responses to the sub-surface threats in inshore waters. Marine technology says that israeli navy installs advanced underwater aquashield detection system :.
Atlas elektronik uk (aeuk) has announced the launch of their cerberus yacht system. An underwater security and safety system, the product has been designed to protect superyachts and guests who would like to dive around the boat using sonar technology. The system works with sophisticated algorithms which discern between divers, fish and cetaceans; the system only raises an alarm when a potential threat is approaching or guests dive beyond a prescribed perimeter. Cerberus yacht creates a sub-sea safety zone without the need to deploy a team of specialist sub-sea security best diver gifts diver mug cool diver gifts s.
Kongsberg to supply finnish navy corvettes with anti-submarine warfare and diver detection sonars (source: kongsberg group; issued april 15, 2020) kongsberg says it has won a contract worth approximately $9. 5 million to equip the finnish navy’s future pohjanmaa-class corvettes vessels with its ss2030 and sd9500 sonars. (kongsberg image) kongsberg maritime as, sensor & robotics is celebrating the signing of a contract with saab that will see kongsberg delivering its market-leading anti-submarine warfare (asw) and deep sea diver mug mug for a diver gift for diver detection sonars for the pohjanmaa-class corvettes currently being developed by the finnish navy under its squadron 2020 project.
We describe an advanced diver (deep imaging via emission recovery) detection system for two-photon fluorescence microscopy that allows imaging in multiple scattering media, including biological tissues, up to a depth of a few mm with micron resolution. This detection system is more sensitive to low level light signals than conventional epi-detection used in two-photon fluorescence microscopes. The unique diver mugs mugs diver best diver gifts detector efficiently collects scattered emission photons from a wide area of turbid samples at almost any entrance angle in a 2Ï€ spherical angle. Using an epi-detection scheme only photons coming from a relatively small area of a sample and at narrow acceptance angle can be detected. The transmission geometry of the diver imaging system makes it exceptionally suitable for second and third harmonic generation (shg, thg) signal detection. It also has in-depth fluorescence lifetime imaging (flim) capability. Using special optical filters with sin-cos spectral response, hyperspectral analysis of images acquired in-depth in scattering media can be performed. The system was successfully employed in imaging of various biological tissues. The diver detector can be plugged into a standard microscope stage and used as an external detector with upright commercial two-photon microscopes.
The underwater threat posed by terrorist divers can present a serious risk to maritime assets located in ports and harbors or at anchor. Hai offers both portable and stationary systems. These systems may be integrated into diver detection systems or operate as standalone platforms. Portable systems may be deployed in littoral waters from rhibs, harbor patrol boats, piers or from ships. At sea, the dis may be deployed off of the side of the vessel. The dis releases broadband low frequency acoustic energy which exerts an adverse acoustic bio effect on the suspected terrorist diver/s at a substantial distance from the diver causing the diver to surface at a safe distance where they can be apprehended.
The latest in underwater protection, the marinet is the ideal solution for both under and above water perimeter protection. A fiber optic cut-through detection alarmed underwater security barrier, it’s designed for anti swimmer, diver, frogman net.
The system is a crisscross array of electronic fiber optic net reinforced with kevlar and steel cable which is designed to prevent any undetected breach from occurring.
“the v5 ids solution consists of the v5 ids server, required downstream i/o, vindicator command and control (vcc) operator interface and local i/o modules to suit any size application. Built on the v5 network security appliance, the vindicator ids solution is the central control unit for enterprise-wide security needs. The v5 ids server receives input directly from sensors connected to vindicator field transponders, from v5 acs servers, and from third-party systems. It also directly controls advanced assessment solutions such as cctv and thermal-imaging systems, ground and water-based radar systems.
The v5 ids server processes events and sends relevant information to one or more vcc consoles for operator interaction, response and dispatch. â€.
• automatic detection, tracking and classification, alarm generation • automated wake suppression, advanced false alarm suppression • commanding multi sonars from a single control station • range, bearing, speed and course estimation of threats • data recording and replaying, simulation mode • recording and reporting the threats • easy integration with c2 systems, security centers over network infrastructure or internet.
Pool leaks are very stressful and frustrating, but most importantly, they can be very costly! do not ignore the signs of a pool leak. With 10 years of experience, atlantic pool leak detection can locate your pool leak without draining your pool or digging up every inch of your yard. Our non-invasive pool leak detection services include:.
Whether it is in a vinyl liner pool or gunite pool we typically can diagnose & stop the leak. Holes or tears in liners or minor cracks in gunite or concrete pools can typically be located & repaired by a diver. Every year we run across several pools that have 100 holes or more. A vinyl liner could have extensive termite damage or a gunite pools could have extensive structural damage, in which case it might be hard to offer any sort of leak free warranty � only that we could hope to slow down the leak for the remainder of the pool season. Light leaks behind the fixture at the conduit/niche or cracks in the housing if it is a plastic, can be repaired with underwater epoxy.
You don't owe us anything if we can't find the problem. Flat fees quoted ahead of time � no hourly billing. We only do pool leaks - no other pool services. We perform repairs underwater, but we don't do underground pipe repairs. Your pool company can do the repair, you can do the repair or we can recommend a pool company. ( see pool leak repair below ).
At pool pro while we repair underwater leaks in inground & aboveground pools we don’t repair pipe leaks – we pinpoint those hidden leaks and refer you back to your own pool service company or one of the companies below (for underground pipe leak repairs. ).
Subsequently, we design an architecturally simple cnn-based diver-detection model that is much faster than the sota deep models yet provides comparable detection performance. Each building block of the proposed model was fine-tuned in order to balance the trade-off between robustness and efficiency for a single-board setting under real-time constraints. We also validated its tracking performance and general applicability through numerous field experiments in pools and oceans. This diver-following module is currently used by our aqua minnebot auv during field experiments.
Oceansense is an incredibly accurate leak and cement returns detection system for underwater and subsea applications which is 50 times more sensitive than the human eye. Otaq have been manufacturing the oceansense system since 2009. Detecting a trace dye that has been inserted in-situ or at the time of manufacture into the leaking fluid, oceansense can confirm tiny amounts of the dye’s presence to the operator. Its accuracy, reliability and repeatability of results have led it to become the industry standard leak detector having now been mobilised on over 1000 offshore projects with a near 100% success rate. Oceansense is specified and relied upon by oil-companies, service companies and rov operators across the globe.
Drowsy driver detection system has been developed using a non-intrusive machine vision based concepts. The system uses a small monochrome security camera that points directly towards the driver’s face and monitors the driver’s eyes in order to detect fatigue. In such a case when fatigue is detected, a warning signal is issued to alert the driver. This report describes how to find the eyes, and also how to determine if the eyes are open or closed. The algorithm developed is unique to any currently published papers, which was a primary objective of the project. The system deals with using information obtained for the binary version of the image to find the edges of the face, which narrows the area of where the eyes may exist. Once the face area is found, the eyes are found by computing the horizontal averages in the area. Taking into account the knowledge that eye regions in the face present great intensity changes, the eyes are located by finding the significant intensity changes in the face.
Drowsiness detection and alerting system. Drowsiness and fatigue of drivers are amongst the significant causes of road accidents. The goal of our model is to make a driver weariness location whichdemonstrates driver’s lethargic condition through their face. A majority of road related accidents are due to driver’s fatigue, distraction and drowsiness. Recently accidents are increased at large amount. Various new creative technologies are introduced to avoid and reduce these accidents. In these accidents, driver can meet severe injuries and even death. These may lead to significant economic loss.
Originally, i had intended on using my raspberry pi 3 due to (1) form factor and (2) the real-world implications of building a driver drowsiness detector using very affordable hardware; however, as last week’s blog post discussed , the raspberry pi isn’t quite fast enough for real-time facial landmark detection.
From this page,you can install our detection agent and start the detection of your configuration. If you visit this page for the first time,simply click on "install". The downloaded file will then be launched so that the agent is properly set up. Once this step has been reached,or if you have already installed the agent,just click on "start detection". The browser may ask you to confirm the action:the answer must be in the affirmative. After that,the agent will analyze the configuration of your machine. At the end of this process,a web page will automatically open to display the results. You will have access to other services,including the research of compatible drivers.
reported here : in the recent test of a new anti-diver detection system, the diver off the middletown coast was a navy volunteer, arriving on schedule and trailing a buoy. But the adversaries the technology is designed to spot are less cooperative, aiming to deposit explosives by navy ships and swim off before an explosion kills u. S. Sailors and destroys millions of dollars in military equipment.
Diver-maneuvered em sled pinpoints buried metal: munitions, treasure and utilities a new hybrid system combines aqua survey-modified em-61 high-powered tx/rx coils, aqua survey underwater monitors and geonics’ em-61 consoles with precision positioning/tracking equipment. Combining new with proven equipment brings the detection force of state-of-the-art high-powered geonics equipment to the seafloor. It provides the diver real-time target response data, the ability to follow monitor-displayed survey lanes and the ability to view completed survey lanes.